Dear Southern Graduates and Friends of Southern,
We regret to inform you of the death of William J. Esher, aka Bill Esher, former President of the SPHS Alumni Association. Mr. Esher had been President of the SPHS Alumni Association for over 30 years until 2011.
In addition, Mr. Esher was a Teacher and Coach at Southern for over 35 years at Southern. Many of you will remember him as your Driver Education Instructor. Others will remember him as Coach.
An Obituary for Mr. Esher can be found at:
In addition to viewing the Obituary at the above link, you can also share your condolences in the Online Guestbook, as well as view a Video Tribute to Mr. Esher. Some of you may find yourself in some of the photos in the Video Tribute.
Funeral serrvices: The Viewing will be held on Monday, August 5, 2013 at 5:30pm at Haddonfield United Methodist Church, 29 Warwick Road, Haddonfield, NJ 08033. A Memorial Service will follow the Viewing at 7:00pm.
Mr. Esher was a Great Teacher, a Great Coach, and a Great Man. He will truly be missed. May he Rest In Peace.
-SPHS Alumni Association
2101 S. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19148
Website: www.sphsalumni.com
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 215-468-3377